Ukraine entered the top five world exporters of peas

In 2016 Ukraine exported 358 million tonnes of peas, which is 1.9 times higher than in 2015 this was reported by the ASTP.

The main markets of culture were India — 145 thousand tons, Pakistan — 56,8 thousand tons and Turkey — 28,7 thousand tons In the end, Ukraine is among the five largest exporters of the legumes, behind only Canada, Russia and the United States.

The increase in exports was due to the growth of production in countries with 377,7 thousand t to 745 thousand tons due to increase in crop yield by 41% and the growing demand in the international market legumes.

According to estimates UCAB, profitability of growing peas can be from 56% to 111%.

Recall, according to the agriculture Ministry, the yield of peas in 2016, amounting to 31.3 C/ha.

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