During the last session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National transport strategy up to 2030 has been approved. Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan called the Strategy a program that will determine the development of transport and infrastructure industries in the next 12 years.
According to the document, it is planned that the implementation of the strategy will contribute to improving the efficiency of domestic cargo transportation by improving the relevant infrastructure and integrating it into the international and trans-European transport networks.
Also it is planned to create a network of routes for regular container/multimodal freight trains synchronized with the routes of EU trains, as well as increase the efficiency of use of Ukraine’s airspace by introducing free routes and navigation technologies based.
Other expectations concern an increase container traffic on the territory of Ukraine on the EU-China, EU-Iran, India and EU-Turkey transport routes to 1 million TEU in 2025 and at least 2 million TEU in 2030. At the same time, by 2025 it is planned to reach the share of cargo transportation in intermodal transport units not less than 10%, and in 2030 — not less than 20%.