The “Verkhovna Rada” has introduced a moratorium on business inspections until December 31, 2017 As the correspondent ЛІГА.net for the law on temporal features of measures of state control in the sphere of economic activity №3153 voted 235 deputies.
The law establishes a moratorium on carrying out the state control of planned inspections in the sphere of economic activities up to 31 December 2017.
The moratorium does not apply to relations which arise when control is carried out by bodies of regulation in energy and utilities, securities market; checking that conduct authorities responsible for the safety and quality of food products.
The law also does not apply to the sphere of state customs and export controls, the safe use of nuclear energy, the state architectural-building control, environmental protection and natural resources protection of competition in entrepreneurial activities and public procurement.
We will remind that on 3 November 2016 the Verkhovna Rada also adopted a law which abolished the quarterly inspections of enterprises.