Temperature-dependent perishable goods

Transportation of perishable goods is performed by Global Ocean Link using special refrigerator containers. Stricter requirements to accompanying documents, sanitary norms and storage limitations, transportation and loading are imposed on such a nomenclature of goods by controlling authorities. Also, every kind of perishable product has its own transportation rules, and knowing them is the most important obligation of the company’s staff.


Perishable goods are a rather wide category of products that require a particular temperature and humidity regime during transportation. In turn, perishable goods are divided into distinct groups: plant products, animal products, processed products, and live plants (flowers and saplings). For each product group, and sometimes for every particular product there are transportation regulations strictly defined by state, regional, and technological regulatory documents.


Global Ocean Link company transports perishable goods in absolute accordance with regulations and norms that govern the whole transportation process. Such strict control is well justified, as not only the quality and taste of products depend on the how quickly and correctly the transportation is performed, but also the health of the consumer.

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